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Dont put too much adsense

Hi I just learned today that If you have sites where nobody clicks your adsense you better get rid of them.It will just increase the impression therefore it will be included when google counts your adsense placements.That is why there are no google adsense here. But in the future if it will gain traffic then I will put some adsense.Google gives more points if you have few adsense placement but there are visitors who clicks it. I will also delete adsense on my other accounts.
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A story about reaching 100$ adsense

I am posting this story because I want this to be an inspiration for us.Mr Lloyds backyard is a new blogger and now his adsense reached 100$ already .it means he can get it for pay out now.For us who are dreamers like him , it is not impossible to reach 100$ . Let us strive for more and keep reading blogs and stories who succeed on this.Some tips for new bloggers:
1. Keep on blogging
2. Dream everynight that you will be blogging again tomorrow.
3. Create traffic on you blog,do links exchange with other bloggers. It helps generate traffic.
4. Visit other blogs realated to your niche and comment there.this is establishing relationship.
5. Bookmark your posts to Digg,Stumble Upon,Delicious and other Bookmarking sites.This will help optimizr the keywords of your posts.
6. Share knowledge.If you are reading this post and know some tips.Share it to us.
7.Don`t be shy if you are in blogspot platform, there are so many successful bloggers earned because they used blogspot.Try visiting my blogspot account :
8.Add a lot of friends in Social Networking sites, they can be your niche.
9.I am leaving you the link of the latest adsense lucky earner
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One way to earn money

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